Whungee Wheengee Canyon - 10 December 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave
Above - Bob in the canyon
Above - Some nice beams of sunlight
Above - Sunbeams and canyon formation
Above - Bob in the canyon
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - Bob enjoys the beauty of the canyon
Above - canyon formation
Above - Bob on the first abseil
Above - Bob in the canyon
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - Large Duck Orchid - Caleana major and friend
Above - a very tiny orchid (the top section with flowers was only
about 1 cm long). Perhaps Genoplesium sp
Above - Large Duck Orchid - Caleana major
Above - Onion Orchid - Microtis sp
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