Cosmic County Climbing - 17 October 2009
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Climbers - Chuin Nee, John, Dave
This was my first time at the "County" - and it sure is an impressive
crag. We only did three climbs - but two of them were of very high

Above - I asked John to get some photos of me leading the first climb,
our warm up - "How Much is That Doggy In The Window" (14). You can just
see me at the top, with Chuin Nee belaying. (photo taken by John)

Above - Chuin Nee on "How Much is That Doggy In The Window" (photo
taken by John)

Above - Dave and Chuin Nee (photo taken by John)

Above - Another climber on "Interstate 31" which we later climbed

Above - Chuin Nee leading the way up "Eighty Minute Hour" (18)

Above - Then it was my turn to climb it

Above - Then John climbed it

Above - John on "Eighty Minute Hour", other climbers behind

Above - Next Chuin Nee had her sights set on "Interstate 31" (17) - a
classic crack

Above - The John went up (followed by me)

Above - as we left the crag - we saw one of the other parties on
"Interstate 31"

Above - Great wildflowers on the way out

The next day we went canyoning at Dalpura Canyon
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