West Face of the Mirrorball - 24 October 2009
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Climbers - Chuin Nee, John, Su Li, Dave
Page 2 - Chuin Nee and John climb the final pitch
The final pitch (21) goes up from the half-way ledge to the top of the
upper cliffline. Su Li and myself walked back to Walls Lookdown to take

Above - A view showing the Mirrorball Pinnacle. The route goes up the
mainly the right hand skyline of the pinnacle to the top of the
pinnacle and then up the headwall to the halfway ledge. The final pitch
is straight up the upper cliffline.

Above - Chuin Nee leading up the final pitch (21)

Above - the Mirrorball Pinnacle

Above - Chuin Nee continuing upwards. Note - Mt Hay Canyon in the

Above - Su Li admires the view

Above - Su Li joins in the photo-pfaffing

Above - John starts off up the pitch

Above - The Grose Valley

Above - Bushfire smoke starts to blow up the Grose Valley towards us

Above - John and Chuin Nee join us at the lookdown

Above - The Sun comes out again - and so do the cameras!

The next day - we do a nice canyon in the Gardens of Stone National
Park. Photos
can be found here.
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