Thompsons Point Climbing - 8 - 9 August 2009
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
permission. Photos taken by David Noble, Chuin Nee Ooi and John Robens.
Page 2 - Sunday
Climbers - Chuin Nee, John, Dave
The day before - we had also climbed at Thompsons Point - Photos can be
found here.

Above - Chuin Nee on "Vanderholics" (18) - yesterday this was her final
(warm down) climb, today it was our warm up! But the rock was quite

Above - Chuin Nee on "Vanderholics"

Above - Chuin Nee on "Vanderholics"

Above - Chuin Nee on "Vanderholics"

Above - Dave on "Vanderholics"

Above - John on "Vanderholics"

Above - John on "Vanderholics"

Above - John on "Vanderholics"

Above - John on "Vanderholics"
Then we headed back to a sunny area, and I quickly warmed up again on
"Lucifer" (11)

Above - Dave on "Lucifer" (11) - photo courtesy of Chuin Nee

Above - Dave on "Lucifer" - photo courtesy of Chuin Nee

Above - Chuin Nee on "Layoff" (20)

Above - Chuin Nee on "Layoff" - this is a very "thin" climb with lots
of tricky moves.

Above - Chuin Nee on "Layoff"

Above - Chuin Nee on "Layoff"

Above - John on "Layoff" - photo courtesy of Chuin Nee

Above - John on "Layoff" - photo courtesy of Chuin Nee

Above - John on "Layoff" - photo courtesy of Chuin Nee
Then John and myself went up it on top-rope, and then Chuin Nee had
another crack at it to practice some moves

Above - Chuin Nee on "Layoff"

Above - John was happy with his new shoes (they gripped very well and
the price was right......)

Above - Chuin Nee on "Layoff"

Above - Chuin Nee on "Layoff" - a delicate move....

We then had lunch and watched more friends climbing

Above - Cindy on "Lucifer"

Above - Cindy on "Lucifer"

Above - Cindy on "Lucifer"

Above - Cindy on "Lucifer"

Above - Cindy on "Lucifer"

Above - Cindy on "Lucifer"

Above - Dave on "Korca" (18). I think the crux was just below me!

Above - Dave on "Korca"

Above - Dave on "Korca" - photo courtesy of Chuin Nee

Above - Dave on "Korca" - photo courtesy of Chuin Nee

Above - Dave high up on "Korca" (or really on the "Orca" variant finish)

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - John on "Korca"

Above - Meanwhile just around the corner was Cindy on "Gina Hardface"

Above - Cindy on "Gina Hardface"

Above - We then went to Alley Wall. Chuin Nee on "Up The Alley" (21)

Above - Chuin Nee on "Up The Alley"

Above - Chuin Nee on "Up The Alley"

Above - Chuin Nee on "Up The Alley"

Above - Chuin Nee on "Up The Alley"

Above - Chuin Nee near the top of "Up The Alley"

Above - John on "Up The Alley"

Above - John on "Up The Alley"

Above - John on "Up The Alley"

Above - John on "Up The Alley"

Above - John on "Up The Alley"

Above - John on "Up The Alley"

Above - John on "Up The Alley"
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