Land of the Giants and Mt York - 17 January 2013

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Climbers - Chuin Nee, John, Chris, Suzie, Dave

The Land of the Giants is a climbing area near Bardens Lookout at Mt York. We climbed hterde in the morning until it got too hot. Then we retired to Mt York, where Chris and Suzie had their camp, for a siesta. In the early evening - Chuin Nee, Chris and John top-roped "Aunty Jack" at Mt York (while I took photos).

At the Land of the  Giants, we started by climbing "J&D2" (15) which was quite solid for the grade. The rock looked very suspect!

Above - John on "The Cat That Fought Back" (14)

Above - Chuin Nee on "Statistical Scare Tactics" (20)

Above - we have a siesta back at camp. Jasper cools off in Chris and Suzie's tub.

Above - Chuin Nee on "Aunty Jack" (19) (or perhaps she was on the climb next to it?)

Above - Chris on "Aunty Jack"

Above - John on "Aunty Jack"

Above - late afternoon at Mt York

The enxt day, hot weather was forecast so we decided to go canyoning. We visited Clatterteeth Canyon at Mt Wilson. This was a good choice - in Sydney it was the hottest day on record (45.8°C)

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