Widden Valley Area - Page 2
All photographs © David Noble. No image can be used for any
purpose without permission.

Above - a massive cliff above the Razorback

Above - Another view of the same cliff

Above - Closer

Above - The Razorback on the right

Above - Henry Gold photographing the Labyrinthine Ridge

Above - Coricudgy Creek

Above - Holbrook Castle above Widden Brook

Above - the conical Chromach Peak and Mt Pomany

Above - Open forest - Mt Kerry

Above Stormclouds over Mt Coricudgy

Above - Rainforest - Mt Coriaday

Above - detail

Above - Stormclouds above Nullo Mountain

Above - a canyon perhaps?

Above - Tom Williams on the first ascent of the Stockade

Above - the Stockade

Above - the Stockade with the Yodellers behind

Above - Some of the Stockade ascent party - Keith Maxwell, Chris
Cosgove and Bob Sault looking back at the peak

Above - Mt Morgan. The main difficulty traversing this peak is a chasm
between the right hand peaks.

Above - Mt Morgan from the Yodellers

Above - Mt Morgan from the Yodellers

Above - Judy Scott abseiling into the chasm on a traverse of Mt Morgan

Above - Mt Morgan at dusk from Emu Creek

Above - Dusk - looking over the Bylong Labyrinth
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