Stuttgart - Germany
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
I went to Stuttgart in Germany to meet my friend Marit. Marit was another former member of our climbing and canyoning group. I had met up with her two years earlier in Luzern
in Switzerland. She was now working at a Gallery in Stuttgart. Marit
showed me around the city and suggested places for me to visit while
whe was working during the day. It was really nice to see her again.

Above - Marit

Above - The main square in Stuttgart

Above - Autum colours

Above - One of the days I was in Stuttgart I went to the Botanical
Gardens - Zoo. This was very worthwhile - and I ended up spending
almost the whole day there. The remaining photos are taken there.

Above - they even had a Wollemi Pine
From Stuttgart - I went to Paris in France to meet Julie.
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