New Zealand - 2015
Takitimu Mountains Walk - 18 - 20 February 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Wendy, Dave

Above - The Takitimu Mountains - Panorama
We drove into the Lower Princhester Hut on the Bog Burn and stayed
at the hut the first night. The next day we crossed the range and
camped in the headwaters of the Waterloo Burn. The day after we
returned to the Princhester Hut, and after lunch drove to Te Anau.

Above - Looking at Clares Peak in the Takitimu Mountains

Above - The Bog Burn

Above - Russula sororia

Above - Fuligo septica (Dogs Vomit) - slime mould

Above - Lichen and moss

Above - Russula sororia

Above - The Bog Burn

Above - Fuligo septica (Dogs Vomit) - slime mould

Above - slime mould

Above - slime mould

Above - slime mould

Above - Black tooth - Phellodon sinclairii

Above - Lemon Drop Button - Bisporella citrina

Above - in the hut - Wendy writing up her journal

Above - view from outside the hut

Above - Lower Princhester Hut

Above - Wendy photographing Gymnopilus junonius

Above - Gymnopilus junonius

Above - Wendy admiring the beech forest

Above - Beech forest

Above - Wendy on the track at a creek crossing

Above - view from near our campsite

Above - our campsite was at the far end of the tussock country

Above - Kings Pouch - Cortinarius porphyroideus

Above - Looking up towards Clares peak

Above - slime mould

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Kings Pouch - Cortinarius porphyroideus

Above - Callopsus epipterygius
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