New Zealand - 2015
Te Anau Area - 20 - 21 February 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Wendy, Dave
After our arrival at Te Anau we spent the afternoon walking part of
the Kepler Track near Rainbow Reach

Above - Wendy on the swing bridge at Rainbow Reach

Above - Ferns

Above - Witch's Butter Jelly - Tremella mesenterica

Above - slime mould - Arcyria cinerea

Above - slime mould

Above - Gymnopilus junonius

Above - Cantherellus wellingtonensis

Above - Black tooth - Phellodon sinclairii

Above - slime mould

Above - Russula sororia

Above - Russula kermesina ?

Above - slime mould

Above - slime mould

Above - Lichen

Above - Icicle Tooth - Hericium coralloides

Above - Cortinarius sp

The next set of photos were taken on the Milford Road between Te
Anau and The Divide -

Above - Lake Te Anau

Above - Wendy photographing

Above - Mirror Lakes

Continue to the next section - The Greenstone -
Caples Walk
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