Caples - Greenstone Circuit
Day 4 - McKellar Hut to Key Summit and Return
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
On this day - we did a very nice sidetrip to Key Summit - just
off the Routeburn Track. There was a bit of rain during the day - but
it was quite fine when we where on he summit.

Above - dawn - is that fresh snow on the peaks?

Above - yes!

Above - we set off

Above - forest

Above - ferns

Above - an orchid?

Above - on the track

Above - forest

Above - at Lake McKellar

Above - at Lake McKellar - Rob

Above - at Lake McKellar - John and Chuin Nee

Above - at Lake McKellar

Above - at Lake McKellar

Above - at Lake McKellar

Above - at Lake McKellar

Above - Chuin Nee just past Lake McKellar

Above - Chuin Nee at Lake Howden

Above - forest

Above - Chuin Nee photographing - this time on the Routeburn Track

Above - forest

Above - View from near Key Summit - towards peaks above Lake McKenzie on the Routeburn Track

Above - on Key Summit

Above - tarn

Above - John - with the Darrans behind

Above - Chuin Nee

Above - peaks of the Humbolt Mts

Above - peaks of the Humbolt Mts

Above - peaks of the Humbolt Mts

Above - the Darrans

Above - sundews

Above - tarns

Above - Chuin Nee

Above - Rob

Above - stunted bush

Above - enjoying the views

Above - sundew

Above - sundews
We then set off down the Routeburn Track towards the Divide - looking for kakas

Above - ferns

Above - looking for a kaka

Above - a kaka - they were pretty shy!

Above - forest

Above - forest

Above - a strange fungus

Above - ferns

Above - forest

Above - back at the hut. There were plenty of sandflies despite their being plenty of cobwebs
Back at the hut - we met two girls from Bavaria - that set off the
hut's smoke alarm - when they tried to run their borrowed trangia stove
with shellite. And also a "little green man" turned up - who was
looking for Dan. An hour and half later - he turned up again - quite
distressed, he had been wandering around outside in the rain without
finding Dan. He wanted to use the hut radio (it was locked up - there
was no hut warden) or to talk to our guide(!). We told him Dan was
probably in the commercial hut - 150 metres up the river (where we had
sent him the first time) He set off again - and I hope he found Dan
this time. Another couple came in - quite wet from down the valley and
tried to light the fire. They tried for about an hour with no success!
A lot of people on the tracks seem to have no firelighting skills.
Continue to Day 5 - when we walk down the Greenstone Valley to Greenstone Hut
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