Richmond Range Walk
Day 1 - Dun Mountain Walkway to Rocks Hut
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - Albert on the Dun Mountain Walkway - which follows to formation
of an old mining horse drawn railway - so it climbs at a gentle grade

Above - about half way up we arrive at the Top House Hut - a good place
for a break

Above - Manuka (or Kanuka?) in flower

Above - Looking back down to Tasman Bay

Above - Albert continues up the walkway

Above - Albert on the walkway with Mt Richmond behind

Above - near Coppermine Saddle

Above - Lichen on these mineralised boulders

Above - near Dun Saddle - we head off along the Bryant Range to Rocks

Above - on the way we pass through a section of the range where the
ground is too mineralised to support plants

Above - further along - various native podocarps

Above - Toatoa - Celery Pine

Above - another native pine

Above - juvenile Lancewood

Above - Rocks Hut

Above - Silver Beech

Above - ferns

Above - Drachophylum

Above - Weclimb to a nearby small knoll for sunset. On the left is Mt
Fishtail. On the right is Mt Fell and Mt Richmond

Above - lenticular clouds

Above - Albert admiring the view

Above - Mt Fell and Mt Richmond

Continue to Day 2 - Rocks Hut to Roebuck on the
Pelorus River
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