Richmond Range Walk - 6 - 11 Jan 2010
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Albert Chetcuti, Dave Noble
The Richmond Range lies to the east of Nelson. It consists of a chains
of mountains, beech forested valleys and some beautiful rivers. We
could start this walk by getting a taxi a short way out of town to the
Brook St Motor Camp.

Day 1 - Dun Mountain Walkway to Rocks Hut
Day 2 - Rocks Hut to Roebuck Hut on the Pelorus
Day 3 - Roebuck Hut to Hacket Hut
Day 4 - Sidetrip to Starveall Peak
Day 5 - Hacket Hut to Rocks Hut via Totara Saddle
Day 6 - Rocks Hut and back to Nelson via Dun
Mountain Walkway (reverse of Day 1)

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