Travers - Sabine Walk
Day 2 - John Tait Hut to Upper Travers Hut - and an ascent of Mt
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - beech trees

Above - Mt Travers

Above - The Travers Valley

Above - beech trees near Travers Falls

Above - Spaniards (very spiky speargrass) in Summit Creek valley on the
way up Mt Travers. There is no track but on the whole it it is mainly
easy going. I went by myself - Albert went off exploring the Cupola

Above - Great views of peajs above the Cupola Valley

Above - my route was up this long (and very tiring) scree to a small
saddle overlooking the Sabine Valley. Then it is easy scrambling up
loose rocks and slabs of the skyline ridge to the summit

Above - Looking down the scree

Above - Mt Cupola and Mt Hopeless from the way up

Above - Looking up my ridge

Above - The Sabine Valley and Mt Franklin

Above - Looking back down the Travers Valley

Above - One more bit to reach the summit

Above - me, on top (I was quite tired and had forgotten to bring a

Above - Looking baxck down the way I had come up

Above - back down in the nasty spaniards

Above - daisies

Above - finally back down on the Travers River

Above - and I was quite tired when I arrived at Upper Travers Hut

Above - not long after I arrived - it started raining heavily

Above - relaxing in the hut with other walkers - Albert (looking out)
and sitting - Tony, Bruce and Tracy from the Border Bushwalkers (Albury
- Wodonga, Australia) and Joe from Brisbane. Also in the hut were
Morten from Silkeborg, Denmark and Max from Germany - all interesting
and friendly company.

Above - New waterfalls on Mt Travers.
Continue to Day 3 - Over Travers Saddle and down to
Sabine Hut
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