Lake Mungo National Park - 15 - 18 August 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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The photos are continued on page 3
and page 4
These photos were taken on a road trip to western NSW and Victoria
that was organised by David Hufton. Many thanks to David for
inviting me on this wonderful trip.

Above - Galah

Above - Wedge Tailed Eagle

Above - Vicars Wells

Above - Vicars Wells

Above - Vicars Wells
From here we could climb onto the lunette

Above - An eagle high above

Above - the Wedge Tailed Eagle comes down for a closer look

Above - Cypress Pines

Above - Shingleback

Above - An underground room at Zanci Station - a cool haven on hot

Above - old farm machinery at Zanci Station

Above - old shed made from local cypress pines
We later returned to The Walls Lookout for dusk. You are not allowed
past the observation deck which limits photography a bit (I used a
telephoto lens)

Above - Residuals on the Wall of China

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