Tasmania - Central Plateau Walk - 18 - 29 April 2018
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 1 of 5 - Lake Bill - Lake Myrtle - Mt Rogoona

Above - Buttongrass near Lake Bill

Above - Lunch at Lake Bill

Above - The site of an old hut between Lake Bill and Lake Myrtle

Above - Lake Myrtle

Above - Beautiful camping at Lake Myrtle

Above - Solar Halo at Lake Myrtle

Above - Mt Rogoona and Lake Myrtle

Above - Lichenomphalia chromacea

Above - Lichen fruiting body

Above - Lichen encrusted dolerite

Above - Coral lichen

Above - old snow

Above - Jelly Fungus - Heterotextus pezizitormis

Above - Small tarns near Lake Poa

Above - Camp at Lake Myrtle

Above - Mt Rogoona

Above - Mt Rogoona

Above - Dusk - Lake Myrtle

Above - Dawn - Mt Rogoona and Lake Myrtle

Above - The Mersey Valley from Mt Rogoona

Above - The Walls of Jerusalem and Lake Adelaide from Mt Rogoona

Above - The first fagus (Native deciduous Beech) we saw on the trip
- near a small lake on Mt Rogoona
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