Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission. Thanks to Ken Beath for help with fungi id on
this page.
The Acropolis Plateau and Pine Valley (22 April)
Above - Fagus - Acopolis Plateau
Above - Snowgums
Above - The Acropolis
Above - Fagus. Small patches like this can turn red. But red is not
common. The usual change is - green - yellow - orange - fall off.
Some Souther American members of genus Nothfagus do turn
Above - Carol on the track
Above - Clavaria miniata
Above - Clavaria miniata
Above - Clavaria amoena
Above - Hygrocybe sp (aurantiopallens?)
Above - Marasmiellus sp
Above - Ramaria botrytis
Above - Ramaria capitata
Above - Ramaria capitata
Above - Clavaria miniata
Above - Cortinarius austrovenetus
Above - Cortinarius sinapicolor
Above - Mt Olympus from Pine Valley
Above - The Geryon and The Acropolis from Pine Valley
Above - Mt Gould from Pine Valley
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