Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

I spent a very enjoyable 14 days in the Reserve (Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National Park). During this time I walked the Overland Track from Cradle Mountain to Cynthia Bay, Lake St Clair and also spent a bit of time in the Pine Valley - Du Cane Range. Mid to late April is a good time to visit this part of Tasmania - as it is the time the leaves of the"fagus" change. "Fagus" or Nothofagus gunii is a native deciduous tree, often known as "Deciduous Beech". It is the only species of beech that is deciduous of those that occur in Australia and New Zealand. Other species of beech grow far away in Patagonia that are also deciduous. Fagus is only found in Tasmania, and the best time to see the autumn leaves is around Anzac Day (April 25) - but this season - the leaves were very slow to change. Probably due to an extended warm season? As well as the fagus, another reason to visit the park at this time of the year is to see the colourful display of fungi in the rainforests.

As well as great scenery and great nature, I met a lot of lovely people on the walk. I hope they enjoy looking at some of my photographs here.

Days 1 and 2 - Ronny Creek - Crater Lake - Cradle Cirque - Waterfall Valley - Lake Holmes - Lake Windemere

Days 2 and 3 - Lake Windemere - Pine Forest Moor

Day 3 - Fungi - Pine Forest Moor and Frog Flats

Days 3 and 4 - Pelion - Pelion Gap - Mt Ossa

Days 4, 5 and 6 - Pelion Gap - Pinestone Valley - Kia Ora Hut - Du Cane Hut (Forest and Fungi)

Days 6 and 7 - The Waterfalls (Mersey River) - Du Cane Gap - Windy Ridge (Waterfalls and Fungi)

Days 7 and 8 - Pine Valley

Day 8 - Pine Valley

Day 9 - The Acropolis (page 1)

Day 9 - The Acropolis (page 2)

Day 10 - The Labyrinth

Day 11 - The Labyrinth

Day 12 - The Labyrinth - Pine Valley

Days 13 and 14 - Pine Valley - Narcissus - Lake St Clair - Cynthia Bay

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