Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Pine Valley and Lake St Clair (26 - 27  April)

Above - On the walk from Pine Valley to Lake St Clair - Stephen and Rachel and Rik (friends that had walked to Pine Valley from the Walls of Jerusalem)

Above - approaching Narcissus

At Narcissus Hut, we sheltered from the weather and had lunch. Stephen and myself then walked around Lake St Lair to Echo Point.

Above - Grifola sp

Above - The duckboard was a bit submerged

Above - The tiers of Mt Olympus

Above - Ramaria capitata

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Cortinarius rozites

Above - Rainforest Creek

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Mycena Interrupta

Above - Hygrocybe lewelliniae

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - View along Lake St Clair at Echo Point

Above - Mt Ida

Above - Rainforest Creek

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Lichen

Above - Hygrocybe reesiae - with damage caps (possible by the sago snow that was falling)

Above - Hygrocybe reesiae (Thanks to Dr Gates for help with the id)

Above - Mycena Interrupta

Above - Mt Ida - taken at night

Above - Mt Ida - next morning

Above - Rainforest Creek

Above - Fungal fruiting bodies of a lichen?

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Cyttaria gunnii (Beech Orange) - these fungi grow on nothofagus cunninghamii - and are normally an orange colour. These ones are very old and decaying.

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