Tasmania - The Overland Track - 22 - April - 1 May 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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D'alton Falls - Windy Ridge - Pine Valley
Above - D'alton Falls
Above - Hygrocybe lilaceolamellata
Above - Clavulina subrugosa
Above - Mycena interrupta
Above - Hygrocybe anomola
Above - Cortinarius 'cuphocybe'
Above - Cortinarius 'Mt Mangana pink'
Above - Cortinarius 'Mt Mangana pink'
Above - Aleuria rhenana
Above - Dermocybe canaria
Above - The Acropolis from Windy Ridge
Above - The Geryon from Windy Ridge
Above - The Geryon from Windy Ridge (next morning - this was as
clear as it got)
Above - Jelly Babies - Leotia lubrica
Above - Calostoma rodwayi
Above - Clavaria zollingeri
Above - Cortinarius cystidiocatenatus (thanks to Herman
Anderson for the id)
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Mycena interrupta
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Cortinarius 'Mt Mangana pink'
Above - Hygrocybe apricosa
Above - Mycena interrupta
Above - Cortinarius ' cuphocybe '
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Perhaps Camarphyllopsis darwinensis
Above - Hygrocybe aurantiopallens
Above - Mt Olympus from Pine Valley
Above - Hygrocybe sp
Above - Mycena interrupta
Above - (Old) Cyttaria gunnii
Above - Hygrocybe sp
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Cortinarius 'Mt Mangana pink'
Above - Artomyces austropiperatus
Above - Ramaria sp
Above - Clavulinopsis amoena
Above - Porpolomopsis lewelliniae and Mycena aff.
Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Gliophorus graminicolor
Above - Hydnum repandum
Above - Hygrocybe sp
Above - Hygrocybe roseoflavida
Above - Hygrocybe roseoflavida
Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata
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