The Reserve in Winter - A Walk Along Tasmania's Overland Track -
July 2009
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 1 - Ronny Creek - Cradle Cirque -Waterfall Valley - Lake Holmes
Day 1

Above - a small creek on the way to Crater Lake

Above - The boat shed at Crater Lake

Above - Col and Su Li at Crater Lake

Above - Creek crossing near Marions Lookout

Above - Kitchen Hut. Drafty and cold - but a good refuge for lunch.

Above - Looking up to Cradle Mountain

Above - Su Li in front with Chuin Nee behind - traversing around Cradle

Above - Cradle Mountain

Above - It was bit of a struggle getting though snowy sections

Above - Su Li
Further on we had some light snow falling which was quite beautiful -
but we walked on fast, without taking any photos, in order to get down
to Waterfall Valley Hut before it got dark.
Day 2

Above - A paddymelon at Waterfall Valley

Above - A small stream - Waterfall Valley

Above - Chuin Nee outside the old Waterfall Valley Hut

Above - Barn Bluff looming out of the mist

Above - A nice snowgum near Waterfall Valley

Above - John and Chuin Nee on the track out of Pine Valley

Above - Barn Bluff

Above - fossils

Above - The pinnacles of Mt Oakleigh appearing out of the mist across
the moors

Above - John on the Overland Track on the moorland

Above - Stopping for lunch at the Lake Will turnoff - Su Li, Chuin Nee,
Col and John

Above - Lake Holmes

Above - Lake Holmes

Above - Su Li with Cradle Mountain behind

Above - Chuin Nee

Above - Barn Bluff
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