The Reserve in Winter - A Walk Along Tasmania's Overland Track -
July 2009
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Chuin Nee Ooi, John
Robens, Su Li Sin, Col Atkinson, Dave Noble
A few of us were keen to go to Tasmania and do the Overland Track in
winter. I had school holidays and the others had leave approved and the
trip got underway. It had been a long while since I had been to
Tasmania for a winter trip. Things would have changed. The huts had
improved and were heated either with gas or coal. The Overland Track
itself had improved markedly as well - with sections duckboarded,
corduroyed or hardened with rock. The unknown factor was snow and ice.
Sometimes there can be deep snow. Other times there can be days of
drizzle or heavy rain. On average in July - it seems to rain about 28
days per month at Cradle Mountain.

Above - At the start of the walk at Ronny Creek near Cradle Mountain.
The party is at the registration booth while our driver, Lee from Tiger Wilderness
Tours looks on. Lee, himself a bushwalker, had driven us from
Launceston and had gone out of his way to be helpful - including a
breakfast stop at Deloraine.

Above - Mt Ossa from the Pelion Valley
Photographic Notes
This was a photo-pfaffing trip. All of us had cameras and three of us
carried digital SLR's. We had plenty of time to complete the walk and
stop along the way to take photographs. This was important given the
short daylight hours. I found it convenient to carry two still cameras
- a small waterproof digital camera in my shirt pocket (on a cord
around my neck). This was easy to deploy for quick snaps along the
track. It was particularly convenient on bad weather days - photos
could still be taken. And most convenient - I did not have to take off
my pack to take photos. Most of the macro photos (fungi on the last few
days) were taken with this camera. I also carried a digital SLR with
two lenses - 18-55 mm and 55-200 mm. For one photo here, I borrowed
Chuin Nee's 10-22 mm lens. I considered carrying a tripod - but due to
weight considerations decided not to take one and instead rely on the
image stabiliser in the 18-55 mm lens. This was quite reasonable -
quite a few photos in the dark rain forest - such as Pine Valley were
taken with 1/4 second exposures hand held. But on the other hand I
would have liked the increased depth of field and increased sharpness
provided by a tripod.
Equipment Notes
As well as normal bushwalking gear - we carried good 4 season tents
(which we ended up not using - there was plenty of room in the huts and
we decided not to camp in remote places as the weather was not too good
at the times we wanted to do this). All of carried down jackets which
were nice in the huts in the evening and mornings. Most days we walked
in gloves. I walked in walking shoes (ones that i had used previously
walking in Europe and NZ) - the others all had boots. My feet ended up
the wet most days - but I could dry shoes and socks near the fires and
at least start out dry.
We had a lot of discussions between us about whether to carry
snowshoes. We thought that most times you probably would not need them
- but at other times they may be most useful. We all carried snowhoes
and ended up not needing them. But if we had walked a week earlier - it
looks like they would have been essential. Our bus driver told us quite
a few parties had had to turn back due to deep snow near Cradle
Mountain. We also took trekking poles - and these were very useful all
the way through the trip. They were good for stability in snow near at
the start and middle of the walk. They were good supports in boggy
sections and handy for creek crossings. And they were of greatest use
on the icy section of track we had near Pelion and Kia-Ora. We took two
small gas stoves and three large and two small gas cylinders. This
allowed us to have a lot of hot drinks. We also were able to boil water
in billies placed on the top of the pot belly stoves (in huts south of
I carried a very small radio to pick up weather forecasts (and to get
the score in the Ashes Test and the Tour de France results). There was
good FM reception all the way along the walk. The local ABC station had
a weather forecast at the end of the 7am news, and the presenter talked
to a weather bureau forecaster each weekday morning around 7:35am about
the next few days outlook.
Col's photos on facebook
Li's Photos
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