Blue Gum Forest - 18-19 October 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was walk to Blue Gum Forest via Pierces Pass. We returned the
same way. The party was Chuin Nee, John, Jasper and myself. At the
campsite at Acacia Flat we met up with our friends Albert and Meri,
and Meri's friend Elwyn, who was on a visit from WA.
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Above - Jasper is in the "Bouncy Pack" ready for a nice trip to Blue
Gum Forest

Above - Broad Leaf Wedge-Pea - Gompholobium latifolium

Above - Tetratheca ericifolia

Above - On the Pierces Pass track

Above - Mountain Christmas Bell - Blandfordia cunninghamii

Above - Waratah - Telopia speciosissima (Is this what
happens to the flower? Col Gibson thinks it is when the flower is
not fertilised and it then sends out new growth)

Above - Hanging Rock and Burra Moko Head

Above - Jasper likes the Waratahs

Above - Orchid - Caladenia fuscata

Above - Hibbertia dentata (Thanks Col Gibson for the id)
Above - Creamy Candles - Stackhousia monogyna

Above - Climbers on pitch 2 of the West Face of the Mirrorball (19)
on the Mirrorball Pinnacle

Above - Tiger Orchid - Diuris sulphurea

Above - Tiger Orchid - Diuris sulphurea

Above - Hibbertia empetrifolia (Thanks Col Gibson for the

Above - Waratah - Telopia speciosissima

Above - The Grose River

Above - Climbers on pitch 3 of the West Face of the Mirrorball

Above - The Grose River

Above - Chuin Nee and John help Jasper cross the river

Above - a pair of skinks enjoying the sun

Above - water gums - Tristaniopsis laurina (Thanks Col
Gibson for the id)

Above - Orchid - Thelychiton speciosus

Above - Scaevola ramosissima

Above - Wahlenbergia sp (Thanks Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Coral pea - Kennedia rubicunda (Thanks Albert
Chetcuti for the id)

Above - Chuin Nee on the track down the river

Above - At Little Blue Gum

Above - John and Jasper at Blue Gum Forest

Above - Albert and Chuin Nee at the camp at Acacia Flat

Above - Tiger Orchid - Diuris sulphurea

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - Cliffs of Mt Banks

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - Shame!! Rubbish left by bushwalkers outside one of the
toilets at Acacia Flat.

Above - Mist rising above Govetts Creek at dawn on Sunday

Above - Govetts Ck
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