Donkey Mountain Walk - 2-3 August 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Chuin Nee, John, Jasper, Dave
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The photos of Donkey Mountain are continued on this page, and on the way home we
stopped off to watch the sunset at Boars
Head at Katoomba

Above - Chuin Nee, John and Jasper getting ready to set off

Above - Jasper has an easy ride to the top

Above - Jasper and John

Above - View into the Wolgan Valley

Above - The two southwestern towers of Donkey Mountain. These are
both easy to climb.

Above - The highest point of Donkey Mountain is this pinnacle. I
don't think it has been climbed.

Above - the two southwestern towers

Above - a large tourist resort in the Wolgan Valley

Above - A nice tessellated platform

Above - Looking along Donkey Mountain. The next day we would spend
time in the chasms between these rock outcrops.

Above - Our high camp

Above - John admires the view

Above - John and Jasper

Above - Chuin Nee

Above - Sunrise

Above - sun hits the summit pinnacle

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