Donkey Mountain Walk - 27 - 28 June 2009
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 1
Party - Stu, Enmoore, Rob, Wendy, Martin, Steffy, Digi Dave, John,
Chuin Nee, Sarah, Rik, Zen, Dave N
This was the first time any of the party had been up on Donkey Mountain
in the Wolgan Valley. It was a fantastic place - and we all had a good
time exploring, scrambling and enjoying fantastic views. There is a lot
of things worth seeing in such a compact location. We also had some
really first class food - thanks to everyone and some excellent wines
to enjoy.....
Thanks to Tom Williams and Albert Chetcuti for some advice on the
The photos have been spread out on three pages. The other pages can be
found here and here

Above - The party getting ready to head off

Above - Wendy does it with style

Above - Near the top

Above - On top - great views

Above - Martin on top. Hey Martin - why don't you climb up onto the

Above - Looking down! The development work at the Emirates Resort

Above - On of the many small canyons on the top

Above - Wendy, Martin and Zen in the canyon

Above - Steffy checks out a side passage while Stu, Wendy, Rob and Zen
look on and Enmoore looks down another side passage

Above - Zen admiring the views

Above - Wendy and Chuin Nee on the top

Above - Ah! That is why Martin did not climb onto the higher pagoda -
a bit far to jump out to.

Above - Scrambling

Above - We spot a nice sheltered place to camp - if only we can find a
way down to it.

Above - The next morning - morning mist in the Wolgan Valley

Above - Valley mist

Above - Sarah - up early to admire the view

Above - Pity the mist was not thick enough to hide all of the resort

Above - Rock formations

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