Dunns Swamp - Ganguddy 8 - 9 March 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Wendy, Dave
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Above - Brown Treecreeper
Above - Aboriginal art
Above - Wallabies
Above - Lyrebird
Above - Platypus Point
Above - The Long Cave
Above - Native Pines - Callitris endlicheri
Above - Pagodas
Above - White Faced Heron
Above - Aboriginal art (faint white hand stencil)
Above - Treecreeper
Above - Superb Fairy Wren
Above - Purple Swamp Hens
Above - Aboriginal art?
Above - On Nullo Mountain
Above - Wendy photographing
Above - The rugged cliffs of Widden Valley from Nullo Mountain
After stopping for lunch at Rylstone, we headed to Mt Airly and
Mugii Murum-ban SCA.
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