National Pass, Wentworth Falls and the Undercliff Track- 25
October 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - Brent photographs while Michelle and Chuin Nee walk down the

Above - Su Li and Steffy

Above - Detail

Above - Jasper needs a hand on the big stepping stones

Above - Jasper likes the waterdragon

Above - On National Pass

Above - Sticky Daisy-bush (Olearia elliptica)

Above - Dracophyllum secundum

Above - Callicoma serratifolia (Thanks to Col Gibson for the

Above - Goodenia decurrens (Thanks to Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Angophora costata

Above - Angophora costata

Above - Angophora floribunda

Above - On National Pass

Above - On National Pass

Above - On National Pass

Above - Euphrasia collina

Above - On National Pass

Above - Bauera rubioides

Above - Bauera rubioides

Above - Bauera rubioides

Above - The lower waterfall - Wentworth Falls

Above - The upper waterfall - Wentworth Falls

Above - Cascades

Above - On the track up to the top of the falls

Above - On the track up to the top of the falls

Above - Dillwynia retorta (Thanks to Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Caladenia fuscata

Above - Hakea dactyloides (Thanks to Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Dockrillia (Dendrobium) striolata

Above - Viola hydromajestica (Thanks to Col Gibson for the

Above - Boronia sp

Above - In Den Fenella. This nice track has been recently reopened
after a lot of trackwork

Above - Boronia floribunda (Thanks to Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Boronia pinnata ?

Above - Dampiera stricta
After we returned to the Conservation Hut we headed off to
Blackheath and went to Anvil Rock for the
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