Manly to Milsons Point Walk - 26 October 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Party - Kim, Christoph, Dave
This is part of the Coastwalk
of Sydney - and was a very pleasant walk through interesting
country. Not wilderness - but there were large sections of good bush
as well as urban walking.

Above - Kim and Chris setting off from Manly Wharf

Above - rock formations

Above - Kim - wet feet

Above - one of many Eastern Water Dragons (Physignathus lesueurii)
we saw on the way

Above - North Head

Above - Fringe Lily (Thysanotus tuberosus)

Above - Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scincoides)

Above - North Head and Crater Cove

Above - shacks at Crater Cove

Above - more shacks

Above - Flannel Flowers (Actinotus_helianthi)

Above - Aboriginal art

Above - small beach on the way to The Spit

Above - Kim on the track

Above - Chris and Kim

Above - Sydney Harbour

Above - Clontarf

Above - lots of boat people here!

Above - rainforest near The Spit

Above - Rosherville Lighthouse

Chinamans Beach
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