July 31 - Jugglers Canyon and Lower Grand Canyon
© David Noble. No images can be used for any purpose with
Audrey and LouLou wanted to take some visiting friends down a canyon.
We decied to visit Jugglers Canyon. The party was - Audrey, LouLou,
Anne-Lise, Mikey, Raphael, Betty, Isabella, Jo and Dave.
Above - Mikey on the first abseil
Above - Isabella on the first abseil
Above - Anne-Lise on the first abseil
LouLou the jugger - repeating what she did on the first
descent about 10 years before.
Above - Raphael and Mikey on the top of the second abseil. Jo is below.
Above - Isabella and betty make their way to the next belay point.
Above - Raphael abseils.
Above - LouLou abseils
Above - Betty abseils
Above - Isabella abseils while a member of another party abseil in the
Above - Anne-Lise ready to start abseiling
Above - Audrey and Anne-Lise start descending the next bit of the canyon
Above - Audrey assists betty down a tricky bit
Above - The rest of us abseil straight down the throat of the canyon -
but LouLou is kindly offered the chance to use the other party's rope
for the big last drop off the tree.
Above - Waiting to abseil - Isabella, Betty and Audrey
Above - Betty on the final abseil
Above - Isabella on the final abseil
Above - Audrey on the final abseil
Above - LouLou in war paint!
Above - The guys from Switzerland are introduced to the joys of
jaffles. Here Mikey is cooking one.
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - LouLou takes a photo of Jo in Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - LouLou, Betty and Isabella
Above - The party in Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Canyon formation - Grand Canyon
Above - Audrey and Anne-Lise
Above - Isabella
Above - Why are they smiling? They are looking at this great view of
the Grose Valley
Above - LouLou, Raphael, Jo, Mikey, Audrey
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