Canyoning near the Chifley Road - 19 November 2005
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Chris, Don, Rik, Tarrin, Marit, Dave

Above - On the way in we saw some interesting club mosses

Above - club moss

Above - Orchid

Above - Marit, Rik and Don examine a flower

Above - Rik and Chris walking down the creek

Above - Marit scrambles down into the canyon

Above - Marit swimming

Above - Chris in the canyon

Above - Don in the canyon

Above - Marit on a waterjump

Above - Rik and Don relax in a beautiful part of the canyon

Above - Tarrin on a water slide

Above - Marit on a water slide

Above - In the canyon - Tarrin, Chris, Don, Rik and Marit

Above - tea tree

Above - slightly pink tea tree

Above - wild flower

Above - wild flower

Above - orchid

Above - wild flower

Above - wild flowers

Above - wild flowers

Above - a prostrate grevillea

Above - wild flowers
After the canyon we headed off to the Dam Cliffs
for a swim and some climbing.
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