All images © David Noble - they cannot be used for any purpose without permission
Party - Doug Bock, Lizzy Wenk, Oliver Bock, Tim Bock, Sally Partridge, Rob Hynes, Greg Peters, TarrinWills, James Turton, Tara Geldard, Dave Noble
Above - The start of the Greg Section - Lilos are inflated
Above - The first pool
Above - a traffic jam at the water jump
Above - Tim and Rob
Above - Doug and Lizzy
Above - Continuing down the canyon
Above- Canyon formation
Above- In the canyon
Above - Lizzy advances while Tarrin pauses for a photo
Above- Lizzy, Tara and the others head over to a nice spot for lunch
Above - Canyon formation
Above- Packing up after lunch, Tarrin, Greg, Doug, Lizzy, Oliver
Above - Tara, Tim and Oliver
Above - Rob in front
Above - Tim, Greg, Tara and Oliver
Above - detail - rocks and river gums
Above - Oliver and Greg
Above - setting off up Whungee Wheengee for a look
Above - James in Whungee Wheengee Canyon
Above - in Whungee Wheengee Canyon
Above - Canyon formation
Above - Canyon formation
Above - The Bocks - Doug, Oliver, LIzzy and Tim
Above - In Whungee Wheengee
Above - Canyon formation
Above - Back in the Gambe. Oliver, Greg, and James
Above - Canyon formation
Above - Sally, Oliver and Tim
Above - Detail
Above - Tim and Sally
Above - The party
Above - The boulder section
Above - Detail - Swirlhole
Above - Canyon formation
Above - Greg and Tarrin