All images © David Noble - they cannot be used for any purpose without permission
Party - Justin and Stephanie Blows, Clare Ly, Sam Buchanan, Chris Golding, Eline Sepers, David Forbes, Pete Harvey, Tom Gleeson, Dave Noble
Above - Wollangambe Wilderness country - the pass out of Bungleboori Creek
Above - Starting down the canyon - Eline and Clare
Above - Canyon formation
Above - Clare and Eline
Above - Canyon formation
Above - In the canyon - Stephanie, Clare, Eline, Digital Dave, Justin(?)
Above - Sam swimming through the canyon
Above - Pete abseils into a dark pit
Above - Eline abseils down a narrow chute
Above - Canyon formation
Above - Canyon formation
Above - Pete and Tom watch someone on the first abseil of the lower set
Above - In the canyon - Stephanie, Eline and Justin
Above - Digital Dave completes the last abseil
Above - Chris on the last abseil
Above - Stephanie waits while Justin climbs up a cascade in Bungleboori Creek
Above - Bungleboori Creek (North Branch)
Above - Canyoners heading upstream
Above - Canyoners heading upstream
Above - Eline, Stephanie and Pete clambering upstream
Above - Sam and Chris wading upstream
Above - Warming up in the sun after climbing out of the gorge, Stephanie. Eline, Chris, Sam, Pete and Clare
Above - Clare - happy and content with warm food after a nice day down a cool canyon.
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