Wollangambe Canyon - The Greg Section  - 4 February 2007

All images © David Noble. No Image can be used for any purpose without permission

Sunday was a nice warm day - and it was a good time to go down this very pleasant section of canyon. Albert organised this trip.

Party - Albert, Yi, Richard, Imke, Tarrin. Sophie, Kate, Jacqui, Nazih and Dave N

Above - On the way to the canyon - At front - Imke, Tarrin (who is guarding against "nipple cripples"), Yi and Richard

Above - Looking down

Above - In the canyon

Above - The canyon

Above - In the canyon

Above - Rock grooves

Above - In the canyon

Above - Our lunch spot

Above - In the canyon

Above - In the canyon - Imke at front

Above - In the canyon

Above - In the canyon - Sophie at front

Above - In the canyon - Yi and Imke

Above - In the canyon - Imke

Above - We made a short excursion up into a side canyon - Whungee Wheengee Canyon

Above - Whungee Wheengee Canyon

Above - Whungee Wheengee Canyon

Above - Whungee Wheengee Canyon

Above - Whungee Wheengee Canyon

Above - Scuptured rock - Wollangambe Canyon

Above - Inthe canyon

Above - In the canyon - Albert

Above - In the canyon

At the end of the canyon - we met another party. The people in the party were quite friendly and like us had had a good day in the canyon. But - they had built some cairns to mark the way out for a party of younger people who were doing Whungee Wheengee Canyon. Please DO NOT leave markers like this in this beautiful canyon. Wollangambe Canyon is part of the Wollemi Wilderness. People that enter this wilderness should not need signs or markers to find their way out.

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