2007 Canyon Photos

February 4 - Wollangambe Canyon - The Greg Section.
February 11 - Hole in the Wall and Banks Canyons in the Wollangambe Wilderness
February 17 -18 - Pipeline Canyon at Newnes in the Wolgan Valley, then Devils Pinch Canyon
February 24 - 25 - Two canyons in the Wollangambe Wilderness were visited. On Saturday we visited this one which was quite short, but joined another canyon. On Sunday, we visited a more remote canyon.
March 3 - 4 On Saturday we visited Twister and Rocky Creek Canyons, then on Sunday we went down Galah Canyon
April 22 - Heart Attack Canyon in the South Wolgan Area
June 3 - Tigersnake Canyon in the South Wolgan Area
18 - 19 August - Two canyons in the Glen Davis area in Wollemi National Park
6 October - Mt Hay Canyon
21 October - Bowens Creek - The upper section of the south branch
27 October - South Wolgan Canyoning
28 October - Two canyons in the Wollangambe Wilderness - Froth and Bubble and Crikey Canyons
10 November - Hole in the Wall Canyon in the Wollangambe Wilderness
17 November - Twister and Rocky Creek Canyons
17 - 18 November - Roger's birthday party at Deep Pass Clearing and Deep Pass and River Caves Canyons
25 November - Bowens Creek - The upper section of the south branch (again)
1 -2 December - The Canyon Festival at Mt Wilson organised by UTS Outdoor Adventure Club. On Saturday a group of us visited Why Don't We Do It In The Road Canyon and on Sunday we visited Clatterteeth Canyon
8 December - Grand Canyon was visited on the way down to the Coxs River Xmas Walk
15 December - Claustral Canyon in the Carmarthen Labyrinth
16 December - We visited Deep Pass for Martin and Steffy's wedding party - explored the area and then visited Deep Pass Canyon
26 - 31 December - We went on a partly exploratory trip into the Coorongooba Labyrinth part of Wollemi Nationa Park

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