Wollangambe Wilderness Canyoning - 25 February 2007
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Party - Rik Deveridge, John Robens, Chuin Nee Ooi, Sarah Truscott, Dave Noble, Albert Chetcuti, David Forbes, Stacey Ly
This day we were joined by three others, and headed out again into the Wollangambe Wilderness.

Above - Chuin Nee on the first abseil, David Fobes below and Sarah above

Above - Sarah and David F above the third abseil

Above - Looking back up to the second abseil

Above - Albert on the third abseil, David F below

Above - canyon formation. The forth abseil was down this excellent slot

Above - Looking back up the forth abseil

Above - Stacey takes a plunge into the pool after a tricky downclimb

Above - David F on the fifth abseil, Sarah above

Above - Looking down the last part of this steep canyon. On a previous
trip I had been down this drop in one big abseil. This time we did two
short abseils.

Above - Stacey on the seventh abseil

Above - Albert on the seventh abseil
One more short abseil took us to the end of the canyon and into a larger stream.

Above - In the larger stream

Above - We sheltered from the rain in this cave while we had lunch
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