Northern Blue Mountains Canyoning - 26 - 31 December 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 2 of 3
Above - rock formation
Above - Sarah and Paul's camp on the rock shelf
Above - on the rock shelf
Above - sunset
Day 3
Above - dawn
We cross the ridge and navigate into our next canyon.
Above - canyon formation. This canyon is a series of tunnels - and
is very dark and cold.
Above - Su Li in the canyon
Above - canyon formation
Above - Su Li climbing out of a deep pool
This canyon enters another creek that also has a long section of
canyon with much swimming.
Above - Su Li
Above - Rob
Above - Rob and Rik
Above - canyon formation
Above - the creek contained a series of constrictions punctuated by
large boulder blockages. Some of these were quite hard to work out a
route through.
Above - Su Li in an open part of the creek - still in a deep gorge
Above - more swims ahead
Above - canyon formation
Above - canyon formation
Above - Su Li and Paul on a swim
Above - resting in a large boulder block
Above - we camp in this nice cave. After dark we are entertained by
firefly beetles!
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