Dalpura Canyon and the Lost Pillar - 12 October 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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October is a good time to visit this nice canyon. The main reason is
the abundant wildflowers on display on the ridges nearby. On this
trip - we chose to exit via the ridge to the east. This was very
easy to do and gave us a chance to inspect the Lost Pillar - an
amazingly spectacular detached pinnacle on the cliffs of the Grose
Party - Rik, Dave

Above - Sun Orchids

Above - Boronia

Above - Sun Orchids

Above - Rik abseiling into the canyon

Above - continuing down through the canyon

Above - cliffs at the end of the canyon

Above - on the cliffs above the canyon

Above - cliffs of the Grose Valley

Above - pagodas

Above - Thor Head on the left, Valhalla Head in the middle and Ikara
Head behind

Above - Looking towards Burra Korain Head
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