Dry Canyon - Birthday Weekend - 1-2 June 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
We had four birthdays to celebrate - Jasper, who turned one and also
Gab, Digi Dave and Rik. For Gab and Digi Dave - they were major
birthdays. Wet weather was forecast - so we went to a sheltered
campsite at the top of the Dry Canyon. We had a great time sharing
food and drink. Also - there was a canyon nearby to visit.

Above - Jasper likes what he sees!

Above - at the camp

Above - Gab heading into the canyon

Above - its hard canyoning if you are only one!

Above - canyon formation - upper constriction

Above - in the lower constriction

Above - canyon formation - lower constriction

Above - Jasper with Su Li - back at camp

Above - Sunday morning - after a wet night

Above - visiting the canyon again - Sarah in the upper constriction

Above - Don and Sarah

Above - Sarah in the lower constriction

Above - the lower constriction from above

After visiting the canyon - we headed back fro lunch and then pack
up the camp. Some of us on the way home - spent some time at Mt
Victoria - photographing at some of the lookouts. Photos can be viewed on this page.
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