Geronimo Canyon - 17 February 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Martin, Albert, Su Li, Nicole, Karina, Dave
It was the weekend of the Festival of Canyons organised by UTSOAC.
This year is was held at Mt Wilson. On the way up I was in a party
that had visited Claustral
Canyon. After camping at Mt Wilson, on the Sunday, I was in a
party that visited Geronimo Canyon in the Wollangambe Wilderness.

Above - Albert on the first abseil

Above - Nicole on the first abseil, Karina below

Above - looking down the canyon

Above - Su Li on the second abseil

Above - Karina on the second abseil

Above - Nicole on the second abseil, Karina below

Above - Su Li rigs the third abseil

Above - Su Li on the third abseil

Above - Karina on the third abseil, Albert above

Above - canyon formation

Above - Nicole on the third abseil

Above - Nicole and Karina

Above - small cascade where the canyon joins Wollangambe Canyon

Above - lunch - Martin, Su Li, Nicole and Karina

Above - walking down Wollangambe Canyon

Above - sand patterns

Above - sand patterns

Above - bouldery section of the stream-bed near the junction of Du
Faurs Creek

Above - back at the Crayfish Pool where the track goes down to
Wollangambe Creek

Above - cobbles
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