Mt Hay Canyon - 10 March 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Dave W, Stacey, Su Li, Dave N

Above - Stacey on the second abseil in the access gully

Above - Stacey has a shower!

Above - in the canyon - another party at the main abseils

Above - the other party on the first of the main abseils

Above - waiting - Stacey and Su Li

Above - Dave W on the first of the main abseils

Above - Stacey on the first of the main abseils

Above - Su Li on the second of the main abseils

Above - Su Li on the second of the main abseils

Above - Dave W on the second of the main abseils

Above - Dave W on the second of the main abseils

Above - Dave W on the second of the main abseils

Above - Stacey on the second of the main abseils

Above - Stacey on the second of the main abseils

Above - Stacey on the second of the main abseils

Above - Stacey on the second of the main abseils

Above - Stacey and Dave W at the end of the canyon

Above - Stacey on the swim

Above - Dave W on the swim

Above - Stacey on the last abseil, Dave W watching

Above - lunch

Above - view of the canyon from Butterbox Point

Above - the Grose Valley

Above - looking down the valley at Margarine Ridge

Above - Grose cliffs

Above - heading out
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