Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Pelion Gap - Pinestone Valley - Kia Ora Hut - Du Cane Hut (17 -
18 April)
Above - Mountain Rocket (Bellendena montana)
Above - Fagus (Nothofagus gunii)
Above - Mt Hyperion
Above - Cathedral Mountain
Above - Kia Ora Falls
The next day - it was raining heavily in the morning - so I decided
to wait at Kia Ora. The weather improved somewhat in the afternoon,
the rain had eased to drizzle, and I went on a walk to Du Cane Hut
and back to photograph the fungi. Waiting a day was good - as the
next day was a fair bit better with little rain and soft lighting to
photograph the waterfalls of the Mersey River.
Above - Cathedral Mountain
Above - Cortinarius metallicus
Above - Ramaria botrytis
Above - Puffballs
Above - the fungal fruiting bodies of a lichen?
Above - Hygrocybe firma (with small Mycena sp)
Above - Hygrocybe reesiae
Above - Hygrocybe reesiae
Above - Artomyces austropiperatus
Above - Cathedral Mountain
Above - on the Overland Track - near Du Cane Hut
Above - Clavaria miniata (flame fungi)
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