A Walk in the Reserve - May 1984
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 1 - Lake St Clair - Pine Valley - The Labyrinth
Party - Roger Lembit, Dave Noble
Above - Mt Ida and Lake St Clair from Echo Point
Above - The Geryon
Above - Lake Elysia - The Labyrinth
Above - The Acropolis and Lake Elysia
Above - Mt Gould and the last of the fagus
Above - Lake Elysia
Above - Lake Elysia
Above - Lake Elysia
Above - Lake Elysia
Above - The Acropolis
Above - Dolerite pavement
Above - Pool
Above - Dusk
Above - Alpenglow on the Geryon. It had been a dull cloudy day - but
there was a thin crack of bluye sky to the west. When the sun passed
through this gap - the peaks lit up dramatically for a minute or so.
Above - The next day we got up to watch the sunrise.
Continue to Page 2 - Sunrise in the
Labyrinth, and then the rest of the
Overland Track north to Cradle Mountain
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