The Alpine Pass Route - Switzerland
Altdorf to Meiringen (Day 5 and 6)
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Day 5 - 18 September 2008

Above - It was an easy and
pleasant walk from Brüsti up to the next pass - the Surenenpass.
Here we are looking back down the trail.

Above - a small tarn along the way

Above - From the Surenenpass (2291m) there was a fine view of Titlis
(3238m). The route the next day is a via a pass to the right of Titlis.

Above - Other walkers near the Surenenpass

Above - Interesting crags

Above - on the trail down the valley

Above - Aiguilles of the Spannort Peaks
I walked down the valley and camped at Eienwäldi a short
distance before Engelberg. This was a very nice camping area - and it
had an excellent section for small tents. However it rained overnight
and I had to pack up a wet tent the next moning.
Day 6 - 19 September 2008
Because of the rain overnight - I did not get away until about 9:30 the
next morning. I walked down the valley to Engelberg - a large and
touristy town. I caught the Gondola up to Trübsee. Here there was
a beautiful lake - but it was far too overdeveloped with a chairlift
crossing part of the lake. From there it was a short walk up to the
Jochpass and then a long walk down the next valley to Meiringen.

Above - Lake Trübsee.

Above - Jochpass on the flank of Titlis

Above - From Jochpass - there was a chairlift coming up from the next valley.

Above - On the way down the trail went past this beautiful lake - the
Engstlensee. Not far below the lake was a hotel where it was possible
to catch a bus down the valley. The weather was reasonable so I
followed a long, scenic trail around the right side of the valley to
Reuti and from there went down by a cable car to Meiringen.

Above - Peaks above the valley

Above - on the trail. It was a long way around the side of the valley
to Reuti. Later in the afternoon it was quite misty and very cold.

Above - Reuti, high above the valley floor. From here I caught a very
scenic cable car down to Meiringen. The cable car went down close to a
canyon/gorge that looked quite spectacular.

Above - Meiringen is a large town and seems to be dominated by Sherlock
Holmes. Here is his statue. As well there was a Sherlock Holmes museum,
numerous hotels, bars and streets named after him and lots of souvenirs
for sale. Why? Nearby was Reichenbach Falls - the palce where
Holmes battled wiith his adversary Professor Moriaty and they both fell
to their death at the falls (although in a later book Holmes comes back
alive!). At Meiringen I stayed at the friendly Hotel Cafe Brunner. Meiringen is said to be the place where the meringue originated so I had a very big one there that was most singular.
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