The Alpine Pass Route - Switzerland
Sargans to Elm (Day 1 and 2)
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Day 1 - 14 September 2008
I had travelled by rain from
Brixen/Bressanone in Italy to Sargans in Switzerland. I arrived at
Sargans in the early afternoon on 13 September. It was raining heavily
and looked like it would not ease for a while. I considered catching a
bus to Weisstannen and rang up accomodation options. It was a weekend
and all places seemed to be booked out. So I stayed in Sargans that
evening at the Hotel Ritterhof. Next morning it was still raining
heavily - but this time I could get accomodation at Weisstannen so
after a good breakfast I headed off there.

Above - View looking down to Mels - a town that is next to Sargans.

Above - The track - pretty wet!

Above - there were plenty of small streams like this that crossed the track

Above - it was niceer in this misty forest section

Above - another small waterfall

Above - a typical farm building

Above - Further up the valley the route went by the river

Above - interesting fungi

Above - This is where I stayed at Weisstannen - the Hotel Gemse. It had
been booked out the night before by a choir. They were still there
singing away when I arrived.

Above - Weisstannen
Day 2 - 15 September 2008
It had rained a lot overnight - and fresh snow was visible higher up
the hills. But the rain had eased off a bit and I decided to set off
and tackle to Foopass - the first pass of the walk. It was a long,
tiring and interesting day.

Above - Further up the valley - looking back down

Above - Typical view in the mist and drizzle

Above - further up I had to walk in the snow. It was not too cold - but it was quite muddy and wet

Above - higher up. The snow was getting deeper and in places I could
not find the track at all and was grateful to have a GPS to keep me
heading the right way.

Above - places like this no track was visible

Above - At the Foopass (2223m)

Above - From the pass - looking ahead. The snow was deeper and the
country steep at first. But once down the initial section I was able to
follow farm roads and the going was much easier.

Above - On the way down - pine trees in snow

Above - The main street of Elm. A beautiful town. The house on the left
provided accomodation for a Russian general in the Napoleonic wars. I
stayed in the very comfortable Gasthaus Segnes. I was impressed that
they had a device for drying shoes and I was able to dry my clothes on
the heater in my room. A warm shower was very welcome indeed.
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