The Alta Via 2 - Dolomite Mountains Italy
Brixen to Rifugio Plose to Rifugio Puez (Day 1 and 2)
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Day 1 - 2 September 2008

Above - I caught a bus from Brixen to San Andrea and then the cable car
up the next bit. From the cable car station it was about an hours walk
to Rifugio Plose

Above - I walked past Rifugio Plose (the start of the AV2). The first part of the walk was through piste and farmlands

Above - Track marker

Above - Slowly the cloud and mist cleared - revealing some interesting mountains to the south

Above - Mountains to the south

Above - Walkers on the way up the Forcella della Putia

Above - Mountains to the south east

Above - The trail near Forcella della Putia

Above - The trail near Rifugio Genova

Above - The large and comfortable Rifugio Genova - where I spent the first night

Above - Evening in the Rifugio Genova. Pleasant company with various groups of walkers and mountain bikers - mainly from Germany
Day 2 - 3 September

Above - Dawn - Looking towards the Odle Group

Above - Dawn

Above - Dawn

Above - Dawn

Above - Dawn

Above - Dawn - The Odle Group

Above - dawn - Morning mist in the valley

Above - Walkers setting off from the refugio into the morning mist

Above - On the trail south - hints of the peaks

Above - Edelweiss

The Munt de Furcia near Kreuzoch

Above - The mist starts to clear

Above - the route heads to the Forcella della Roa

Above - Cliffs to the south

Above - peaks of the Piz de Puez

Above - peaks of the Piz de Puez

Above - Walkers climbing to the Forcella della Roa

Above - near the Forcella

Above - Walkers near the Forcella (pass)

Above - Looking south of the Forcella - some walkers are visible heading on the high route via the Forcella Nives

Above - The Odle Group from the Forcella Forces de Sielles

Above - The track near the Forcella Forces de Sielles

Above - Looking south

Above - Col Dala Pieres

Above - Dusk - near Rifugio Puez

Above - rabbits outside Rifugio Puez

Above - Dusk - Looking south to the Sella Group
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