Lutry - Savuit - Lausanne (Switzerland)
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
I went to Savuit near Lutry to meet my friend Madlen. She was a Swiss
girl who had worked in Sydney and been part of our group that climbed and went canyoning togther. I had not seen her since 2006 and it was nice to catch up again.

Above - Madlen and myself

Above - Madlen and myself

Above - Anne and Madlen. Madlen lived at Anne's house at Savuit. Anne,
originally from New Zealand, was very hospitable and I thank her for
this and or showing me around the village and nearby Lausanne.

Above - Anne's house where Madlen lived (in the middle)

Above - Lausanne

Above - We visited the old cathedral at Lausanne

Above - Inside the cathedral

Above - Outside the cathedral

Above - The new metro at Lausanne. It was running but the trains where empty (still testing....)

Above - Lausanne

Above - This spinning ball was interesting

Above - Back at Savuit - near Anne's house - beautiful vineyards (which resulted in very nice wine....)
From Savuit - I went to Stuttgart in Germany to meet Marit.
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