Young - Wilkin - East Matukituki via Gillespie and Rabbit Passes
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Party - Chuin Nee Ooi, John Robens, Rob Hynes, Dave Noble

This is a classic New Zealand tramping trip that involves some valley
walking through beautiful beech forest, two high passes and a
collection of glacial lakes.
Day 1 - Young Valley
Day 2 - Gillespie Pass
Day 3 - Siberia Hut
Day 4 - Siberia Valley to Crucible Lake
Day 5 - Kerin Forks
Day 6 - Wilkin Valley to Top Forks via Jumboland
Day 7 - Side trip to Lakes Diana, Lucidus and Castalia
Day 8 - Rabbit Pass
Day 9 - East Matukituki

Maps - Wilkin 1:50,000 (F38) and Matukituki :50,000 (F39)
After this walk - with bad weather forecast, we decided to visit the
sheltered Caples and Greenstone valleys for our second walk.
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