Lake Mungo National Park - 15 - 18 August 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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The photos are continued on page 2, page 3 and page
These photos were taken on a road trip to western NSW and Victoria
that was organised by David Hufton. Many thanks to David for
inviting me on this wonderful trip.

Above - Bluebush (saltbush) growing near the road

Above - Perhaps a Fairy-wren

Above - Lake Arumpo

Above - Bearded Dragon

Above - Shingleback

Above - The old woolshed at Lake Mungo

Above - the Nature Walk near the camping area

Above - Belah (Casuarina cristata)

Above - You can see 5 planets in this photo - from the bottom -
Venus, Mercury, Jupiter (all lower left) Mars and Saturn (just
above the trees - the bottom of the triangle - Mars, right side of
the triangle - Saturn)

Above - The Milky Way - taken around 5 am when the moon had set.

Above - Dawn at the campground

Above - This lookout is only a few miutes walk from the campground -
it overlooks Lake Mungo. The lake was full of mist.

Above - David Hufton photographing
After breakfast - we set out along the Mungo Track - a 60 km loop

Above - The Walls Lookout looking at the Walls of China (the
Lake Mungo Lunette)

Above - At Red Top Lookout - also on the Walls of China

Above - Further along the drive

Above - the small open area is a termite nest

Above - Mallee country

Above - Spinifex
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