Tasmania - The Overland Track - 14 - 27 April 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The Labyrinth and Pine Valley (25 April)
More snow fell overnight. I had just packed up my camp, when I
met an old friend, Stephen, who had walked in from Lake St Clair.
We both then left Lake Elysia and headed to the Pool of Memories.
Above - Fagus
Above - Fresh snow on The Geryon
Above - The Pool of Memories
Above - Stephen with The Geryon behind
Above - Pandanis
Above - The track was a little wet....
Above - Fagus and The Acropolis
Above - Mycena austrororida
Above - Clavaria miniata
Above - Clavaria miniata
Above - Clavaria miniata
Above - Small cascade in Cephissus Creek
Above - Hygrocybe firma
Above - Hygrocybe firma
Above - Clavaria miniata
Above - Clavaria amoena
Above - Mycena sp
Above - Hypholoma fasciculare
Above - Hypholoma fasciculare
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