Coorongooba Labyrinth Canyoning - 29 December 2007
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Above - Blue Gums near our campsite

Above - Our campsite for the past two nights

Above - John M - a man for all seasons?

Above - We wondered a few kilometres down this major creek

Above - On our way

Above - On our way

Above - More Blue Gums

Above - We checked out this canyon - another new one to us

Above - Digi Dave in the canyon
We then dumped our packs at a nice campsite and went off to visit a nearby canyon

Above - Getting out abseiling gear

Above - Rob waiting to start the first abseil - down a deep dark slot

Above - John M photographing Rob on the start of the second abseil

Above - Digi Dave trying to avoid a swim at the bottom of the second abseil

Above - canyon formation

Above - canyon formation

Above - Back at the campsite
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