I sent another day at Long Reef photographing birds. When hot weather if forecast, Long Reef can be a lot cooler as it often experiences a sea breeze. The sea breeze when it hits the headland creates updrafts that attract the raptors. This visit, with low tide in the middle of the day, I cold also photograph some of the migratory shorebirds.
When I arrived the pair of Nankeen Kestrels that I had seen a lot of lately, were busy hunting on the slopes near the lookout.
There were other bird photographers present including Adam and Diana that I know. We then spotted an Osprey perched on the rocks out on the platform. As we approached, another Osprey flew past.
Back to the perched Osprey –
A White-faced Heron landed nearby
This unsettled some of the foraging Red-necked Stints –
The Osprey then took off –
Sooty Oystercatcher
Ruddy Turnstone
Red-necked Stint
Pacific Golden Plover
More Red-necked Stints
An a rare birds, a Siberian Sand Plover. Thanks to a young bird watcher for pointing it out.
Then two juvenile White-bellied Sea Eagles flew by and out to sea.
I then headed back to the base of the cliffs to photograph the Nankeen Kestrels again –
I then headed out back onto the rock platform –
Siberian Sand Plover
Grey-tailed Tattler
Ruddy Turnstone
Australasian Gannet
Australasian Darter
Then another Osprey appeared.
It spotted a fish and dived –
but it pulled out of its dive –
Another dive –
And again, it pulled out.
It circled around and dived again.
But again it pulled out.
Back around for another go –
Another unsuccessful dive –
The Osprey then left the area.
A juvenile White-bellied Sea Eagle flew past –
By this stage, I was thinking of leaving, and headed up to the lookout. Two more bird photographers, Jeremy and Jimmy arrived and I talked briefly to them. Then an Osprey re-appeared. Here it it flying past a toy glider –
I watched it dive from the lookout –
Then when two more Ospreys appeared, I decided to go back down to the rock platform level.
Then some more unsuccessful dives for fish –
I then did head for home. It had been a reasonable day.